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This week I’m reading…

Pain of a Particular Kind by Peter Barnes The loss of a child… there are few things that a parent fears more. Here Peter Barnes writes from personal experience: the loss of a grandchild. He writes from the heart, there is no sugar coating of the intensity of the pain. As a Christian the grief […]

This week I’m reading…

Thoughts on Religious Experience by Archibald Alexander The new year seemed like a good time to get stuck into a meaty book again after some easy-reading picks in the busyness at the end of last year. So far this one is proving to be worthy of slow, thoughtful reading. What an enormously complex subject of […]

This week I’m reading…

The Pastor’s Soul – The Call and Care of an Undershepherd by Brian Croft and Jim Savastio, published by Evangelical Press (2018). Conrad Mbewe suggests that this book should be read by pastors at least once a year as a spiritual health check. I agree. Especially Part One where Paul’s command to Timothy (1 Timothy […]

Review Throwback: Luther in Love

This is the perfect sort of book to take on holiday – historical fiction that pulls you in to another time and place and edifies you along the way. Here is our original review… It might sound a rather frivolous title, but don’t be fooled – this is a book with serious historical substance. The […]

This week I’m reading…

Pause – How to enjoy God, find hope & bear fruit through midlife and the menopause by Sarah Allen (10Publishing, 2024) I’m must admit to being rather dismissive when I first saw this book being publicised. I mean, really? Do we really have to have a Christian book about every stage of life… even the […]

This week I’m reading…

Covenant Foundations by Alec Motyer, published by Christian Focus Publications (2024) This is well written, and in as simple language as it can get when the topic is Covenant Theology! It gives some truly enlightening explanations of Bible passages. It traces the backbone of God’s covenants running through the whole Bible, and thus it confirms […]

This week I’m reading…

Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy: Eight Truths for Pursuing Unity in your Church by Jamie Dunlop We all know the familiar texts on the importance of brotherly love and unity in the church. But are we honest with ourselves about our commitment to this? Especially unity with ‘those people’ – the ones who, […]

Upcoming: The Scuttlebutt Letters

This is one to keep an eye out for – if you enjoy satire. Reminiscent of C S Lewis’ Screwtape Letters, Natalie Brand has cleverly written a series of letters from the Heart to the Tongue. The Heart strongly berates the Tongue for all manner of sly and malicious dealings demonstrating the many references in […]

Review Throwback: Caleb’s Lamb

We are so pleased to have this little book available again! When I read it to our children back in 2008 I found it powerful and moving. When I mentioned it recently to our (now adult) children they remembered it well and, most importantly, they remembered the message of the passover lamb and the principle […]

This week I’m reading…

Sermons by William Gadsby (Gospel Standard Publications, 1991) Many have testified to the Christ exalting nature of William Gadsby’s sermons. It is to these that I have turned this week, and this extract from a sermon on ‘The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad’ (Psalm 126:3) illustrates Gadsby’s forthright style. […]

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