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The John Gill Project

The John Gill Project is an admirable endeavour to make the rich spiritual writings of John Gill freshly available to a new generation. All of the intended books are taken from Gill’s Body of Doctrinal and Practical Divinity. The first two in the series have now been published: What is Theology? and Courage.

Where there is not the doctrine of faith, the obedience of faith cannot be expected. Where there is not the doctrine of the gospel, and men have not learned Christ, they live as if there was no God in the world and give themselves up to work all sin with greediness. And on the other hand, doctrine without practice, or a mere theory and speculative knowledge of things, unless reduced to practice is of no avail. Such are only puffed up without reason in their sensuous minds; they profess to know God in word, but deny him by their works. These men have the appearance of godliness but denying its power, a name to live by but are dead. Doctrine and practice should go together. In order to know and do the will of God, instruction in doctrine and practice is necessary; the one being first taught will lead on to the other.

From the introduction to What is Theology?

Saints are to be humble, self-denying, submissive to the will of God, and patient towards all men in all things. However, they are not to indulge in spinelessness or a meanness of spirit. Christians are to show firmness of mind, resolution, undaunted courage, fortitude of soul, and a manly spirit, which is not at all unbecoming the Christian. As much as the Christian pursues wisdom, so should he pursue courage.

From Chapter One ‘Fortitude’ in Courage

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