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Churches are full of differences. Those differences might be rooted in culture or personality or even musical style. In recent years, differences over political and social issues have frayed the unity of many churches. Yet if a church is centered on Christ alone, then unity at church will sometimes require building genuine friendships that bridge across all those differences. How can Christians navigate those relationships? Can they really love people at church who sometimes drive them crazy?
This practical guide explores 8 truths from Romans 12–15 that show us how to find God-exalting unity at church with those we struggle to love. Love the Ones Who Drive You Crazy is a roadmap to finding joy in Christ through the many differences we have with fellow believers, a joy that powerfully declares the glory of God. Because easy love rarely shows off gospel power.
Introduction: So This Is What “Christ Alone” Means?
Chapter 1: Why Did God Put Difficult People in My Church?
Truth 1: Insistence on Unity Displays the Glory of God
Chapter 2: How Can I Love “Those” People?
Truth 2: Impossible Love Flows from Impossible Mercy
Chapter 3: What If I Don’t Want to Love “Them”?
Truth 3: Disunity at Church Lies about Jesus
Chapter 4: Wouldn’t We Be Better Off without “Them”?
Truth 4: You Belong Together
Chapter 5: How Can I Be Friends with “Those” People?
Truth 5: Hope in God Creates Affection for Others
Chapter 6: How Can I Really Forgive “Those” People?
Truth 6: Divine Justice Empowers Full Forgiveness
Chapter 7: How Can I Stop Judging and Despising “Those” People?
Truth 7: People You Dislike Often Act in Faith
Chapter 8: How Can I Love “Those” People When They’re Wrong?
Truth 8: We Will Answer to God
Afterword: Under the Surface of a “Christ Alone” Church
A Few Words about Church Structure
Mon 9:30 – 5:00
Tues 9:30 – 5:00
Thur 9:30 – 5:00
Fri 9:30 – 5:00
Sat 9:30 – 4:00